full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Timothy Prestero: Design for people, not awards

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So it turns out that design for inspiration doesn't really ... I guess what I would say is, for us, for what I want to do, it's either too slow or it just doesn't work, it's ieveicfnfte. So, really, I want to design for outcomes. I don't want to make beautiful stuff; I want to make the wrlod a better place. So when we were designing NeoNurture, we paid a lot of atoettnin to the people who are going to use this thing, for example, poor families, rural doctors, overloaded nurses, even repair technicians. We thought we had all our baess covered, we'd done everything right.

Open Cloze

So it turns out that design for inspiration doesn't really ... I guess what I would say is, for us, for what I want to do, it's either too slow or it just doesn't work, it's ___________. So, really, I want to design for outcomes. I don't want to make beautiful stuff; I want to make the _____ a better place. So when we were designing NeoNurture, we paid a lot of _________ to the people who are going to use this thing, for example, poor families, rural doctors, overloaded nurses, even repair technicians. We thought we had all our _____ covered, we'd done everything right.


  1. attention
  2. bases
  3. world
  4. ineffective

Original Text

So it turns out that design for inspiration doesn't really ... I guess what I would say is, for us, for what I want to do, it's either too slow or it just doesn't work, it's ineffective. So, really, I want to design for outcomes. I don't want to make beautiful stuff; I want to make the world a better place. So when we were designing NeoNurture, we paid a lot of attention to the people who are going to use this thing, for example, poor families, rural doctors, overloaded nurses, even repair technicians. We thought we had all our bases covered, we'd done everything right.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
beautiful baby 3
effective phototherapy 3
pay attention 3
concept car 2
intensive care 2
blue light 2
receiving effective 2
silly mom 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
receiving effective phototherapy 2

Important Words

  1. attention
  2. bases
  3. beautiful
  4. covered
  5. design
  6. designing
  7. doctors
  8. families
  9. guess
  10. ineffective
  11. inspiration
  12. lot
  13. neonurture
  14. nurses
  15. outcomes
  16. overloaded
  17. paid
  18. people
  19. place
  20. poor
  21. repair
  22. rural
  23. slow
  24. technicians
  25. thought
  26. turns
  27. work
  28. world